Sunday, 13 November 2011

1920's Photoshoot!

If you have all been wondering where on this planet Chemical Flash have been, then you mustn't wonder any more! We have been thinking of you all, I assure you. Which is why we set up a fabulous 1920's set in my garden! My father, a man who sacrifices every moment he owns for the love of cars. Keep in mind, that not every car is as sought for as this special one he allowed the team to use! A Citroen Lomax. Which he collected it from a man whose father had been building for many years, has now sadly passed away therefore the three wheeler had been left in isolation. (If you are one who gains enjoyment from a heroic narrative, this is one for you.)  My father saved the car from its isolation and although he does not specialize in the mechanical side of cars, he found a wonderful man who does. So, once Chemical Flash used the vintage prop, it was off to a new home to be fixed, scrubbed and loved just like its original owner would have hoped for. I mean, when I say fixed... it had been left so long, the doors began to fall off. It had a belt with no seat and a steering wheel with no mirrors to guide you whether you were safe to turn or not! I'd say, it worked out pretty well for me to just simply sit, sought after the retro fever it brang and offer a sweet pose for my boys.

Courtney jumped into this photo shoot as well, as you are or should all be aware he is now our recording man! Andy (my boyfriend) became our pizza delivery man and my great father became the prop man... watch the video of our behind the scenes and you'll very clearly see what I mean!

Or please click this link to be taken to our youtube page where you can subscribe and also comment!!!!!

Thank you ALL. LOTS of Kisses are sent your way. 

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